The Rebirth

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March 8, 2015: Project "Complete Water Injection" Day 2 (continued)

Lastly, it was time for some wiring. Here is what I did:

I routed one main power line through a 10 amp fuse, a 10amp mini toggle switch, and back to the water pump. The ground for the pump is a constant ground.
This same power line then runs to the electric solenoid. The ground for this solenoid then runs back up to the cab and to my Propeller microcontroller's breadboard.

And that's it! When the switch is flipped, it powers the water pump. The pump then pressurizes the accumulator and once it's predefined pressure is met, it turns off (still need to get a gauge on there to see what it's doing). Now the system is in a steady-state. All that is remaining is for the Propeller to activate a PCB relay to ground the solenoid and the injector will spray. As the injector is spraying, thanks to the accumulator, the pressure will drop slowly. Once it has dropped enough the pump will cycle on for a few moments and then cycle off. This occurs independently of the injector operation.

Here are some pics. It was some work!

Pic 2 - Decided to draw power from my amp which made for a convenient installation. The amp pwr is fused (a very big fuse) as is the new water injection pwr (10 amp).

Pic 3 - Here is the awesome mini toggle switch. I love these little guys. Been using them on other projects and they are very reliable. They are A/C rated and using simple math we can convert this as follows:
Power = Voltage * Amperage (Thanks to Hooks law!)
125 volts * 10 amps = 1,250 watts (power)

Now convert this over to D/C (assuming 14 volts while the engine is running) and we get...
1,250 watts / 14 volts = 89.3 Amps

So these lil switches pack a serious punch. The pump is rated at 4.5 amps and the solenoid at 1.4 amps. So this is really kids play. Moreover the pump will cycle off, providing relief to the circuit.

Pic 4 - I love it when all my wires come out from storage! Means someone fun is happening!

Pic 5 - Big mess of tools

Pic 6 & 7 - I pulled the entire carpet up and did extensive re-wiring and cleaned everything up! It all came out great!

Pic 8 - The new group of switches!!
White operates my IC Fan
Yellow is the main pwr for the entire Water Injection System
Green is my S/C clutch pulley

The idea will be to flip the Yellow switch forward and just leave it there, all the time. I suppose it could be turned off at night in case some stray water leak forms. But technically, if the system has no leaks, this yellow switch could be turned on and left on (simply enables a steady-state).

So, whatcha guys think about all this so far? :thumbs: :thumbs: I'm getting so close to testing this out I can almost FEEL IT!!

The switches will still need to be mounted to comply with NC Racing's Safety Policy, but now I'm one step closer :best:


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


March 9, 2015: Water Injection Plumbing!

Next on the list was to get the Water Injection System plumed up.

Pics 1 through 3 - Got the trunk plumed. I didn't get any pics from underneath but here is the basic layout. The tank has a barbed drain. I cannot connect a nylon line nor a push-fitting to this. So I took some Chemical-resistant 1/4" clear PVC tubing that I had leftover from a different project (McMaster Car - p/n 5231K161 - link) and used zip-ties to attach the hose to both the barbed tank output and over the top of a blue nylon high pressure line. Remember this is just the line that feeds the pump, so it only has to operate at the weight of the water. You can see the clear line connecting to a blue line that dives under the trunk to the pump, then another blue line comes up and runs to the inlet to the accumulator.

Water Tank --> Pump --> Accumulator --> Electric Solenoid --> Injector nozzle

UPDATE: The next day I noticed a very slow seepage leak at the clear line to blue line zip-tie connection and switched it to a small Toyota spring-clamp for full pressure around the OD of the clear line. Hasn't leaked since.

Pic 4 through 6 - This is how I mounted the electric solenoid. I used High Tack to glue a cut-off section of rubber hose atop the solenoid and then zip-tied it using one long zip-tie (exactly how I mounted my PCV oil separator).

In the last pic you can see the feed line to the solenoid coming from behind the coolant overflow tank. (Never mind the light blue 5mm line at right, that is for my boost gauge.) I had a hole drilled behind there from yesteryear when I used to mount a smaller overflow tank in the trunk (that was a long time ago :yupyup:).

Allll mosttttt done!!!


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


March 11, 2015: Finished Water Injection!!

Back at reply 381 I showed a picture of my injector with a union, a coupler, an adapter, and finally a push-fitting. Later I said I was waiting on parts to come in. The last piece of the puzzle finally came in and that is an 1/8" NTP to 1/4" push-to-fit fitting for my injector (see this link on Amazon).

Pic 1 - Shows the old parts and the new very small 1/8" push-fitting installed. Not the lack of a hexagonal wrench provision. I had to be delicate with it while tightening. High Tack was used.

Pic 2 - Ready to install!!

Pic 3 - She's home!! That bolt hole has been waiting for this exact moment since Feb 7 of last year!! (see reply 304) :o

Pic 4 - Plumbed up and ready to go! I ran slightly extra length of tubing for flexibility.

UPDATE: I later switched to a 90-degree 1/4" x 1/4" push-fitting (see this link on Amazon), shortening the distance for a cleaner install and better pressure response.


Why did I choose a year ago to install the injector here?
On my previous 4A-GZE, I ran injectors post-intercooler as well as pre-Supercharger. I really prefer the pre-S/C because you can not only keep the S/C rotor temp under control, but I believe it improves efficiency of the S/C as the denser air is more difficult to leak around the rotors.

What about water and worse alcohol stuck in the IC?
I understand the concern, however keep in mind my S/C mounts flat. Compared to a front-engine front-mount IC, I can see the concern as gravity can pull the liquid down trapping it in the IC. For my setup I'm less concerned, and believe me, the S/C gets so hot that this will be vapor here, not a solid stream of liquid.

What about flooding things out?
Because I'm planning to use a programmable duty cycle, things will very much be kept in check.


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


Got some media for you people!

Here is footage of the rapid pressure response of the system. This is with a long 10+ foot blue line in order to get the injector in the field of view while I manually cycle the electric solenoid from the cab ... so the response will be even better in actual use. Another thing to note other than the instant pressure is that the pump did not cycle during this entire video! This was all done from the pressure reserve of the accumulator. Now you can see why the accumulator is such a great idea. Otherwise we'd have massive drops in pressure and the pump would be cycling on/off like crazy.

Here is footage of the system powering up. I drained the pressure to show a true system power-up. The first time the switch is flipped the pump primes the accumulator and then resets to a steady-state, with the solenoid awaiting command.
I tried to show the PSI at the accumulator but the camera didn't want to focus. The pressure is set to 60 PSI and has climbed once primed.

And finally, here is a stress-test of the system, showing continuous nozzle spray to demonstration how the pump cycles.



     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


March 11, 2015: Finished Water Injection!! (continued)

The day was not over! Here I am getting the Propeller set-up.

Pic 1 - More wiring! :yumyum:

Pic 2 - All done!!

Pic 3 - Close up of the PCB Relay. This was the only relay I had with me and it was not fitting my breadboard so well. I really wanted to test the system so I laid two wires across it (yellow, red) to strap it down and keep it in place. I have many more relays at home so I'll be changing this real quick like. Also this is only a 2 AMP relay, and while the solenoid is rated at only 1.4 AMPs, I prefer to use a 5 AMP or even a 10 AMP which I know I have at home. The reason is because I plan to cycle this relay A LOT so a more robust design is preferred. And because race car.

Breadboard Explained, clockwise starting with pin P2:
P2: Serial signal for LCD Display.
P15: Switch to activate or deactivate relay.
P12 (single yellow wire at left): This is for my Exhaust Throttle Servo.
Green/red wire coming straight down and behind yellow Servo wire: This is the wire from the Water Injection Solenoid.
White wire coming down from the top: This is the ground wire that the relay uses to Activate the Water Injection Solenoid.
Black/yellow wire at the top-right corner: Incoming signal wire from my GM 2-bar MAP sensor.

The transistor is a TIP120, a 1k ohm relay at P15 to prevent shorting the microcontroller, and the lone diode across the collector and emitter is used to control feedback from the relay.


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


March 11, 2015: Finished Water Injection!! (continued)

What you thought this day was done?

Got a new Wide Band O2 sensor installed. When depressingly shopping for a second sensor, I found one on Amazon for like eleventy bazillion dollars. Ohh man this sucks: $61 on Amazon, Well... I was reading some reviews on there a a few people commented how this is a standard Bosch 17014 sensor! I was like SA-WEEEEEET!! Called up Napa the day before and got one ordered. Came out to be a hair over $30 as I recall. You know, throwing away $30 is never fun, but at least it wasn't double that. Lesson learned.

Final picture shows the new sensor calibrated and passed the systems check. Good lean reading with the engine off, should be ready to go!


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


March 11, 2015: Finished Water Injection!! (concluded)

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd finally! Reflashed EEPROM and drove home!!

My Change Log says it all:
Quotev3.0 (Mar 11, 2015)
   Added simple ON/OFF @ 8psi code for... WATER INJECTION!

With each new feature I've moved up a major version number and my car is now operating under branch 3.x!! 2.x was a very steady branch but only lasted from March 1st until just now (10 day life cycle).


I got Datalogging working back on March 1st and that is what Branch 2.x powered!! :smack:

Ok I've been posting updates all freak'n day so I'll need to talk about Datalogging another time. Datalogging has been working GREAT! Ok, ....let me show two screen shots that I know I already have prepared, stand by...

Ok check this out-

First here is the full Change Log for Branch 2.x:
Quotev2.0 (Mar 1, 2015)
   Reduced Initial Mode from 30 to 25 iterations
   Increased Boost Mode from 20 to 25 iterations

v2.1 (Mar 2, 2015)
   Added Error handling for mount and debug code for MicroSD write success
   Added 'I' to show when in Initial mode and also 'E' to show if MicroSD mount error
   Still not reliable. It has only saved to SD a few times so far... Still nothing from an actual drive

v2.2 (Mar 5, 2015)
   Only writing to SD once per so many iterations for stability
   Replaced 'I' with remaining (strlen) countdown to know when it's safe to power down
   Discovered disc mount error handling (erc) is 0 when no error or some INT if error
   Displays error number if mount error
   Discovered I've sometimes been flashing to RAM instead of EEPROM >_<
   Exhaust Throttle Data logging!
   Line break between New Drives

And that's it! Only took two revisions to get a stable solution. That sums up how the Data logging experience started. v2.2 was great, very stable, and it added Exhaust Throttle Data logging (which, I'll be honest, is pointless since it's a function of the same blue line, but I do love me some data :love:). The change to hold data in memory and only write to the card every so many iterations was the real trick.

Pic 1: This is what my data looks like in Excel! This is a drive from work to home, playing a bit on the freeway and also on Jensen Ave (my proving ground). The blue is MAP pressure readings (data logs automatically to PSI) and the red is Exhaust Throttle Angle percentage. There is so much to discuss here and how the programming works but for now just ignore all the behind the scenes stuff. So far the longest continuous drive that I've done with data logging was about 3.5 hrs that recorded 69,545 data points haha And this only required 781 KB of disk space (I'm using a 32 GB MicroSD Card) hahaha It's reallly awesome and the scalability seems unlimited for what I need it for.

So left axis is Exhaust Throttle Angle Percentage (displayed via red line), and right axis is Manifold Pressure (boost as well as vacuum) in pounds per square inch (via blue line).

Pic 2: Here is a close up of a 2nd through 4th gear full throttle pull. The data is WAY cool but it will be SO MUCH MORE COOL once I get RPM and MPH data logged. I don't have this yet so you kinda have to use your imagination at this point.

The goal of course is to tune AFRs on my own and build my own DIY Grunt Box (as mentioned in reply # 378). I'll need RPM for this and then I can play with all sorts of variables, that is gonna be awesome. Much more to post about that hopefully before July 27th (more on this date later).

Anyway, I know it's difficult to see, but you can see my boost peaking at around 10.8 PSI in 2nd gear, and then peaking at around 11.2 in 3rd gear, and then peaking at around 11.9 in 4th gear. SO AWESOME to see if all laid out like this!

At first I thought it might be belt slip but after a lot more data I'm convinced it's the air becoming hotter and hotter the faster you go, something this WATER INJECTION is going to solve straight away!!


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


Ok so continuing with March 11, I drove the car home and went out to Jensen Ave for some Water Injection testing.

I am very pleased to report that it works GREAT!! Even with only a single 8 PSI trigger as shown in the v3.0 release notes, it works great. Also, with this new Wide Band O2 sensor, WOW it's so much better now! It is VERY steady and reacts VERY quickly to throttle angle changes. The old sensor was totally junk!! Now I'm so pumped to start learning AFR monitoring!! AFR Datalogging is on the list but it not done yet.

So, how great is the new Water Injection? Let me tell you this: I didn't have my thermal temp gun on me at the time, but from touch alone I could tell that the air ENTERING the IC was COOLER than the air EXITING the IC. Did you get that?? The Intercooler is now an Interheater!

Well, I already experienced this a long time ago which is why when I built Stage 2.5 of my previous SC14-powered engine more than 10 yrs ago, I deleted the IC completely!! See details about this here: I got rid of the Intercooler all together and boost went up almost 2 PSI. It was really nice and very responsive, but the issue was that.... Once I ran out of water... I had to turn the S/C clutch pulley off less incur SERIOUS engine damage. Well, when I was like 21, that was fun, but now this is my reliable daily driver slash weekend warrior and I am a much more mature builder. I will be keeping both the IC and the Water Injection and the two will compliment each other. The loss in temperature is a small price to pay for the reliability and dependability of having an IC in the first place. It's still beneficial regardless.

How about power? With only pure water (no meth yet) I DEFINITELY can tell a difference, ESPECIALLY in the taller gears. The system becomes more and more beneficial the harder the S/C works, which is precisely when I'm demanding more and more from the engine!

One nice thing once I get RPM and MPH data logging going, is that I should be able to do pulls with the Water Injection switched on and off and compare times. For instance, how much faster is the car from 30 to 50 MPH in 3rd gear? At least then I'll have concrete proof without the expense and inconvenience of a dyno (of course that is the preferred method, I need to get this baby dynoed again!).

Also, another reason why I had Data logging on my mind, was this!! Here is a data log from a 3rd and 4th gear Pull WITH water injection. Compare this to the above where we only saw a peak of 11.17 in 3rd and a peak of 11.85 in 4th:


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


So check that out!! I am making MORE BOOST = S/C efficiency has increased and because it's a fact that the intake temps are cooler, DENSER AIR. Both are factors to making MOAR POWER. :booya:

Gained about 1-1/4 pound boost in 3rd and about 1 pound boost in 4th. It's nice to see a smaller gain in 4th which proves the temperature is being kept in check.

Speaking of Intake Temps, Yes, I have GM Air Intake Temp Sensors in my possession, a pair of the fast changing type, however they are not installed yet. Of course I should be commenting that THIS will be the REAL test of the water injection and I plan to be data logging air temps within the next month hopefully.

So, alright, I've really became scatter brained over here. Plus as I've been posting allllll day I am just really tired :P

I'm gonna call it a night. Before I do, here is a Change Log of what's been happening with this new Version 3.x branch:

Quotev3.0 (Mar 11, 2015)
   Added simple ON/OFF @ 8psi code for... WATER INJECTION!

v3.1 (Mar 15, 2015)
   H-U-G-E rewrite for MULTICORE! Now using 6 cog functions
   Implemented Water Injection DUTY CYCLE!
   Cleaned up and optimized entire program
   Moved LCD output to P13, faaaaar better location, cleaner breadboard, now next to servo output
   Renamed servoabsolute to servopercent
   Moved PSI up a line and replaced "MAP:" with "Data:"
   New Systems Monitor for successful initalization: "W" for Water Inj, "M" for Disc Mount, # for Disc Mount Error
  Bug Fixes:
   Fixed decimal bug where PSI & Peak were writing ".0n" as ".n"
   Fixed missing negative sign when -1 < PSI > 0
   Fixed decimal value of 100 from outputting as ".100" to now ".99"

Only two versions so far (as far as you know) as I've still got many more updates to post from March. Version 3.1 was a MASSIVE version because it is my first program with the amazing world of MULTI-CORE COGS, the true specialty of the Propeller! Now I can have independent timers running simultaneously without interfering with one another (imagine the entire system having to pause while it instructs the nozzle to spray for 800 milliseconds; This was absolutely critical for Water Injection to work the way I'm envisioning it).

And also here is the painfully simple water injection duty cycle cog that I've programmed:

// ##########[ WATER INJECTION ROUTINE ]##########
void waterinj_cog(void *par)
    inj_trigger = (int) psi;
    if ((inj_trigger > 0) && (inj_trigger < 10) && (initial == 0)) {
      high(15);                                    // Turn on injector
      high(26);                                    // Onboard LEDs
      pause(inj_trigger * 100);
      low(15);                                     // Turn off injector
      pause(1000 - (inj_trigger * 100));
    else if ((inj_trigger > 9) && (initial == 0)) {
      pause(20);                                   // Curtesy pause
    else {
      low(15);                                     // Better make sure it's not spray'n!
      pause(125);                                  // Awaiting boost...

Duty Cycle Explanation:

The trigger for the water injection is equal to the integer value of the boost. So if the boost is 2.56 PSI, then the int value would be 2.
If the trigger is greater than 0 (means we are boosting), but also less than 10, then do the following:
-- Turn the Water Injector On
-- Pause for Boost Integer Value * 100 milliseconds
-- Turn the Water Injector Off
-- Pause for 1,000 milliseconds minus the Boost Integer Value * 100 milliseconds.
If the trigger is greater than 9, then do the following:
-- Turn the Water Injector On (CONSTANT) until the boost drops below 10 PSI.

That's it! So consider the example above. If we are boosting at 2.56 PSI, then the system will enable the injector/nozzle for 0.2 seconds and then disable it for 0.8 seconds. And repeat forever until the Boost goes above 2.99 PSI or below 2.0 PSI.

Another example is that when we are boosting above 10, let's say 11.70 PSI, then the system will enable the injector and just leave it on (as it's synonymous with enabling the injector for 1 second and disabling it for 0 seconds, or a 100% duty cycle).

This is why I've been calling it a ten-point linear duty cycle. The break down is as follows:
ON 0.1s OFF 0.9s
ON 0.2s OFF 0.8s
ON 0.3s OFF 0.7s
ON 0.4s OFF 0.6s
ON 0.5s OFF 0.5s
ON 0.6s OFF 0.4s
ON 0.7s OFF 0.3s
ON 0.8s OFF 0.2s
ON 0.9s OFF 0.1s

I love this thing. Once I add air temp to the mix I can start fine tuning this based on temperature. Maybe I need more water at a lower PSI level, or maybe I'm using too much water at a lower PSI level. The goal will be to find a curve that keeps the S/C outlet Air Temp as steady or as constant as possible. That would be great for performance and for the conservation of remaining water supply.

Ok! I'm making so many typing mistakes and am just really tired! Gonna call it a day! Good night 4A lovers world wide and until next time, HAPPY BOOST'N!



     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


March 16, 2015: Cleaned Air Filter, *finally* mounted Dash Mat

A few days later I cleaned my air filter (haven't done it in about 6 months) and finally mounted my dash mat. This may sound trivial to, well, everyone, but this is the same dash mat that was in the car when I bought it Jan 31, 1999, and it was half-falling off just the same. In allllllll these years and experiences with the car I've never redone the velcro pads. There was a time about 3 yrs ago where I purchased a new dash mat on eBay, but the dumb thing wasn't cut for the glove box opening and it didn't wrap around the side air vents so I never installed it (still just sitting around in my garage).

So when you've owned a car this long and you've hardly spent any time on the interior, it really felt great :thumbs: I included a pic from a few weeks ago of what it used to look like for reference. Sorry the new, mounted pic is blurry, it was dark and I only had my cell phn camera at the time.

Oh, also, while cleaning the filter, it started breaking apart. Looks like it's time to get a new filter element. It is pretty thick so I know I can still use it, but I will be ordering a new element soon.


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


Updated "WHAT HAS TO BE DONE" list: (T-MINUS 6 DAYS)

  • Driver's rear wheel bearing
  • Machine Brake Rotors
  • New brake fluid
  • Fix my axle seal leak
  • Install new Redline MT90
  • Address Clutch Master Cylinder Issue
  • Water Injection
  • Mount S/C & IC Fan Switches
  • Mount dash mat
  • Mount Propeller LCD panel
  • Add a switch to my speaker system
  • Change engine oil
  • Clean air filter
  • Wash the car

Only 6 days left :ack:


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


March 17, 2015: Mounted LCD Panel!

This was fun.

Got the LCD Panel mounted. Originally installed Dec 6, it was extremely nice getting it mounted. Moreover, I have never had the radio bay cleaned up like this since the first couple of years when I had a pioneer radio deck that got stolen, and when I say stolen I mean they used a 10-foot long pry bar and busted up tons of plastic and bent metal brackets all up those sum bitches. So I've just never cared to reinstall a radio deck because, well, screw them. But of course with a track day I can't have "any loose items" as mentioned so this had to be done.

SO happy with how it came out! Pics! :snapshot:


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


March 17, 2015: Mounted LCD Panel! (continued)

The plate came out really nice. There are a few scratches on it but I think it just ads character :gap: I simply drilled out the upper radio deck sheet metal screw holes and inserted long 6mm bolts from the backside. The bolts are tightened down with nuts, and then the aluminum plate goes over the bolt and another pair of nuts tightens it down. So it goes bolt head -> MR2 radio bracket -> nut -> sheet metal plate -> nut. So simple, and only requires removing two nuts to gain access to do wiring, service on the Propeller.

Next was to mount the LCD panel. I decided to mount it in the upper left hand corner for scalability, leaving space to install four of these panels if needed. And that was it! :booya:


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


March 18, 2015: Mounted Fan, Water Injection, & S/C switches and added switch to turn off my speakers

This was also really fun.

Moving right along I got all my loose switches mounted and also installed a switch to turn off my speakers.

When I was younger I made some sort of snap-in plate that could be easily removed to service switch/wires, but it was loose, dumb, and would sometimes pop out of place if you jammed a switch without care. So I knew I wanted to do something far more professional of a job and this is what resulted. Now when I flip switches I don't have to hold the switch body with two fingers while flipping the switch with my thumb.

SO NICE NOW, everything is coming together so well, really getting excited and more and more proud of this car! Also it's so nice and quiet with the speakers switched off -- before, despite using a ground-loop isolator, when no music was playing from my cell phone there would be a constant high frequency buzz. The car is somehow becoming so much more enjoyable to drive :greengrin:

White switch: Intercooler fan
Yellow switch: Enable/disable water injection
Green switch: Enable/disable Supercharger
Chrome switch: Enable/disable speakers

Also, I didn't get a pic of it, but if you look to the top-right of the LCD panel in the next-to-last picture, you can see I drilled a hole. This is for a blue LED light that I installed to indicate when the Water Injection Solenoid is open. Everything is working just great!


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


Updated "WHAT HAS TO BE DONE" list: (T-MINUS 4 DAYS)

  • Driver's rear wheel bearing
  • Machine Brake Rotors
  • New brake fluid
  • Fix my axle seal leak
  • Install new Redline MT90
  • Address Clutch Master Cylinder Issue
  • Water Injection
  • Mount S/C & IC Fan Switches
  • Mount dash mat
  • Mount Propeller LCD panel
  • Add a switch to my speaker system
  • Change engine oil
  • Clean air filter
  • Wash the car

Ok, looking very good. I'm finally beginning to both relax and feel like I can be ready for Thunderhill this Sunday!! There is one issue, which is that I have not done a spirited mountain run in a loooong time. I need to do a shake down run -- make sure the new brake pads feel good, all the recent work is reliable, even to ensure this water-injection system is gonna work well when driven hard. Hoping to have time to head up through Wonder Valley or somewhere Friday afternoon... Man, just thinking about having time to test everything out is making me very :hyper:


     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2