C&D Editor to Punish Detroit Racers

Started by BigMike, April 28, 2011, 10:28:52 AM

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Apply by May 7th to have CAR AND DRIVER boss Eddie Alterman whiz on your racecar, insult your manhood, and criticize your clothing choices.

Compared to Eddie, this stuff seems pleasant.
Mid-April's Detroit/Chicago enduro at Gingerman featured sub-freezing evenings and racing in snow. It'll be hard to make warm, sunny July's Gingerman outing that nasty, but we think we can do it: We're bringing in Car and Driver editor-in-chief Eddie Alterman as our captain-grilling, cheater-baiting, garb-mocking Special BS Judge.
You already know how mean Judge Jonny is, and he's just a senior editor. Alterman's an editor-in-chief. Editors-in-chief know how to make PR peoples' heads explode, just like in Scanners. (To keep the pain level constant, future races may include locust plagues, salmonella taint, and Def Leppard tribute bands.)

Apps for LeMons American Irony (16-17 July at Gingerman Raceway) are due on May 7th. For event details click here; to log on and enter go here. Post-race complaints should be sent directly to Eddie's mom.


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