Subject: Re: R.I.P. : 'Metal'ing with the deceased [part 2]
Mon, 15 May 2000 23:34:39 -0700
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Here is the piston removed from cylinder #1.

FTWDK, What happened is that after the ring broke, it became able to move laterally.
And as the piston would move up, the ring would smack the bottom of the ring grove, and as the piston would reach TDC, and then move back down, the ring would be slammed into the top of the ring grove.
And at high rpm's for extended time periods, this constant hitting eventually made the ring grove so wide, that the grove reached the top of the piston braking the piston ring free from the piston.
The ring then decided to move about my engine creating havoc. >;{>

another pic

All other piston rings were intact, but the tops of #2 and #4 have been beaten up and have caused the tops of the pistons to press down on the top compression ring, so they are also ruined.

But, obviously, I intend to replace all 4 pistons..

Stephen, these pistons are half forged and half cast then? They sure are nice!
And the connection rods are wwaayy overkill! They are larger than the connecting rods from a 20R and 22R engine!

Question: Can I safely run 18-to-19 psi using the stock connecting rods with upgraded pistons?

And I want to get new pistons ordered asap from you or whomever..

Let me know.

And if you (Stephen) want to talk to me, I live in PST zone (-8 hrs.) here in California, and I will be at the shop all day long tomorrow (tues.) from 8am until probably 10pm again.
Give me a call at (559)252.7295. Ask for BigMike :)

Thanks in advance,
Michael Czajkowski
Home of the NA > SC Conversion Registry
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I am _the_ BigMike    ....allow no substitutions
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         Boost. It's what's for dinner!