I got a good lead on a cheap 4A-GZE for sale

Started by BigMike, July 21, 2011, 11:45:00 AM

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Hey guys check this out: http://www.mr2.com/forums/mk-1-mr2-aw11/Toyota-MR2-67269-88-4agze-engine-sale.html

I sent him a PM a while ago and the guy *finally* replied to me with the following:

QuoteI apologize for the delay! busy with new job and  my new toy, my girlfriend would like $350 for the block s/c and intercooler, only thing wrong aside from aneeding assembly is exhaust valve 3 burned,. To the best of my knowledge. My phone number is 253-653-4388 if you still need it! Thanks

I know it's up in Washington, but I have plenty of friends up there who can pick it up for us. Then we could claim we got the engine for $200, since it has a burnt valve and seems to be in pieces from the sound of it.

Then we could have a GZE setup for our car.

I need to let the guy know soon because I think he has other ppl interested in it. I've got the money to buy it. I was thinking about offering him $300 cash picked up so he doesn't have to waste his time & money shipping it.

Thoughts? Suggestions?



     My 1987 Supercharged 4A-powered 6-speed MR2


"I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on wakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning."


Is it really cheap? I want to buy a lot. Can I see the link? I hope you get this good news.